23. January 2024

Which tool do you use to store HR manuals, work instructions and handbooks?

We have a lot of manuals, handbooks and instructions on how to perform our tasks but we have not find the ideal tool to store them.

Our needs are to ensure they are easily consulted with an efficient search function, easily adjusted when needed, option to add screen shot and comments, and - if at all possible - also the option to work in parallel with other colleagues on the same document for amendments/updates and, why not, possibility to see previous versions.

Do you have anything interesting to suggest?

Thanks a lot!

3 solutions

Bonjour, selon vos outils et logiciel déjà existant dans l’entreprise un sharepo...

alexis l.
0 ratings


Marc m.
0 ratings

Wir arbeiten mit Q-Wiki fü...

Pascale S.
0 ratings
