HR Today and HR Cosmos build a bridge
The leading Swiss HR magazine HR Today and the HR Cosmos knowledge network are democratising HR knowledge in Switzerland and simplifying open discourse in human resources between theoretical and practical knowledge. Thanks to QR codes in the print version and links in online articles, HR Today readers can carry the discussion of questions and ideas further on HR Cosmos under headings such as Work & Law.
More intensive networking
HR Cosmos is a cross between an encyclopaedia and a Q&A platform. The unique background technology is based on artificial intelligence (AI) and directs any question to the right specialists thanks to self-learning algorithms. Readers' inputs enable our networking and store of knowledge to grow. Required information can be retrieved better and more efficiently, similarly to the way a brain works. HR Today's editorial team is even closer to the community's pulse thanks to its analytical capabilities. For example, trends and uncertainties can be identified early and made into editorial copy in the accustomed high quality. Ultimately, the entire HR landscape benefits from this innovative development.
Membership free of charge
Membership of HR Cosmos will continue to be free of charge and open to anyone with an interest. Members can manage their profile and their topics themselves and receive messages if questions are asked about a topic to which they have subscribed. While the originators of the questions will remain anonymous, the name and (optionally) corporate affiliation of those who answer it will be visible. This enables sharper profiling within the community and ensures a high level of quality.